The Gospel

The Gospel is “Good News,” and it has changed our lives - our sins are washed away, our lives are made new, and our eternity is secure in His hands. We have hope for the future!

We want to shout it from the rooftops - the Gospel can change your life too!


Mankind's History of Hope


God created the world, and everything in it was perfect.  There was no death, sickness, famine, or warfare.  God created man and woman in His own image to have a relationship with Him and serve Him.  They lived in a beautiful garden and tended it.  

the fall into sin


Our Sinfulness Today

The Good News about Jesus


What it means to Me

Man and woman sinned against God by eating a fruit He commanded them not to eat.  Their sin grieved God and broke their perfect relationship with Him. For the first time they experienced shame and guilt, and God provided a covering to restore them to Himself.  Without His help they had no hope.

Today, our condition is no different.  We all struggle with sin and have a broken relationship with God.  We are sinners by birth and sinners by actions, and our sin separates us from God.  We are hopeless to change ourselves.

Two thousand years ago, God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.  We deserve hell for our constant failures before and rebellious actions against a holy God, but Jesus paid our fine.  He offers us forgiveness of sins and new life: essentially, hope.

We receive God's free gift of forgiveness and life when we repent of our sin and turn to Jesus Christ in faith.  Repentance means that we admit we are wrong and desire to change our ways.  Faith means that we trust in the work of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins and in our place, and that He rose again three days later.  Immediately our sins are forgiven, and we go from experiencing a hopeless end to an endless hope!